Monday 8 January 2018

Nine Souls (Part 3)

Nine Souls.
Nine Secrets.

"I almost took my own life, because of my mother."

"I'm resigning from my job this month, to pursue a greater purpose in my life."

"I accidentally switched my classmate's white board marker with a permanent marker. When he wrote on the board and tried to erase it, it didn't so he got in trouble. They didn't know it was me but I felt like I framed him."

"When I was very young, one night my dad came home very drunk. He was in a bad mood and decided to take out his anger on my mom. He started beating her, then I tried to get in the middle and calm him down but he ended up hitting me too. 
But that was a long time ago. Everything is fine now."

"I have a notebook containing all my major secrets and unorthodox 
things I've done in my life since 2013."

"Sometimes I feel like a hypocrite. I'm torn between inspired passion and frustrated indifference. I feel I have to always watch my words and actions, but in a way that feels like constructing a facade. And then I notice how much I talk about myself. I'm learning to act with what I have but I'm still so disappointed and so scared that I will fail. And then I remember that's the ego again."

"My wife recently took the kids and left me. The problem was about jealousy. My wife saw that I liked my ex girlfriend's posts on facebook. For me it doesn't mean I like her. I had no other intention. We broke up several years ago and my ex is married already and I'm also married and completely loyal to my wife. My ex married a foreigner and lives in another country and she chatted with me asking for some financial advice because she and her husband plan to invest in the Philippines. So I only chatted back giving ideas, based on my business experience. That's all. My wife can see everything, she has my facebook password. If I had anything to hide, I wouldn't have given her the password. I'm not a facebook addict. Whenever I'm free I just check my notifications and like all the posts I see because liking is just part of socialization. But my wife started accusing me of so many things that are not true. She went away and we broke up for a few months but we've reconciled now. We've talked things through and we're okay now. I try my best to preserve the unity because of the kids. I love my wife very much."

"During my childhood I was always bullied by my own family and relatives. I used to tell myself that when I grow up, I will stay far away from all of them."

"When I was in high school I used to wash the under wears
of my brother and sisters every weekend."