Tuesday 18 July 2017

Abuja's #BossLadies

It's been exactly a year since I organized those two bazaars on our rooftop. Facebook reminded me through a throwback photo suggestion. In case you haven't yet heard about the Rooftop Bazaars last year, you can check my other blog post here → "How the Bazaar got on the Rooftop".

Today's post is dedicated to sharing with you my favorite part of the Bazaar experience last year - meeting some of the most creative and hardworking women entrepreneurs (LadyBosses) in Abuja.

I've written about Xoxa before (Click here). But she is more than just her mugs. Xoxa is also about her hair (how many women can rock a flower on their hair every day?!) She's also about her clothes. You think her mugs are too colorful? Wait til you see how she dresses! She's one of the few people I know who is bold enough to wear all the colors and prints... which just shows that her creativity flows through every single thing she does. Her mugs are basically an extension of her body, and that's why the spirit of Asah Bara is in everything she creates! Xoxa's mugs are professional models -- check out her instagram page -- to see how she brings her mugs to life through artistic photography, such that her photos make you want to buy a mug not just because you need one but because they're really beautiful!

Friday 14 July 2017

Third Culture Kid problems

I'm a typical human being... my life is really simple, believe me. 
I do normal things and I have normal feelings.

But every single time I have to introduce myself to someone, I'm reminded that no...I'm not normal. I'm really complicated. What was my Dad thinking when he left Iran to meet my Mom in the Philippines then bring her to Nigeria to live and multiply? 
Did they ever consider the possibilities of their future children facing identity crises?! 

Dear Mom and Dad,
When normal people meet each other, it's a simple hello, how are you. But this is what TYPICALLY happens to me when I introduce myself to people when I'm in:

"Oyibo! Chinese! Nihaw"
"I'm not Chinese and I don't understand what you just said"
"No, I'm from the Philippines"
"Ohh Filipin! Manny Pacquiao!"
"And Iran"
"Iran! Who is Philippine, who is from Iran?"
"My Mom is from the Philippines and my Dad is from Iran"
"Ehh, so you are from Iran naaw!"
"I'm both, but I feel more Filipino because I've spent more time there than in Iran."
"Noo! you are from wherever your Father is from!"
"Excuse me?"
"Ehn, that's how it is naa, you hail from your Father land!"