It was exactly a year ago when I heard that the new Local Bahá'i House of Worship in Cambodia would be complete sometime this year. I told my family it would be great it we could go, since it's very close to the Philippines. Early this year, I found out that the inauguration would happen sometime in September or October so I told my parents and we just thought we'd wait a while, to get more information before we buy our tickets. The truth is, we were also not financially sure we could make the trip, so we waited some more time, in good faith. A few months later, my Dad said he'd come visit us here in the Philippines around August - October, and said he'd look into getting a visa for Cambodia. We were not sure if everything would materialize, because we needed to prioritize his ticket to the Philippines, and then we thought if we go to Cambodia, we might as well visit nearby countries like their Thailand, Vietnam or Laos, so we needed to budget for that too. I waited some more, constantly worrying about the price of tickets which kept increasing as the weeks went by.
Then one day, a friend went to our house in Nigeria, and saw a piece of furniture in our living room. She loved it so much and told my Dad she wanted to buy it. My Dad said no, it's not for sale, but she kept insisting! So my Dad gave a price and without a word she quickly paid for it and took it home. My Dad immediately called me and said "You can book our tickets now". He calls this answered prayers :)
Before booking our tickets,